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New Feature Release
  • Image search and Global search how to search? Launch Date: 6 May, 2022

    The user uploads the product image to be searched, and the system will automatically search for the product with the highest similarity for display; the global product number search function only supports fuzzy search by product number at this stage, and more dimensions will be added in the future.

    * Global search only supports fuzzy search by product number

    * The uploaded image format only supports jpg, jpeg, png, gif

  • Product catalog download how to download catalog? Launch Date: 28 April, 2022

    At present, the product catalogues are all sent to customers by salesmen. In order to simplify the cost of communication, customers can customize and export product catalogues in the system.

    * The wait time for catalog download depends on the number of catalog entries and may occasionally take a long time.

    * The Safari browser needs to be opened with a PDF reader app, otherwise the downloaded catalog cannot be found after closing the browser.

  • Wishlist, shopping cart, order information downloadhow to download info? Launch Date: 20 April, 2022

    In order to improve the usability of the system, we have developed a wish list, shopping cart and order information download functions, users can save important product information.

    * Prices and stock information are real-time changes, if you want to inquire about accurate data, please contact your salesperson

  • Order withdrawalhow to revoke? Launch Date: 12 February, 2022

    Some users need to add or subtract products in their orders. In order to meet this demand, we have developed a function that orders can be withdrawn.

    * Order status is withdrawable

  • No watermark image downloadhow to download real photos? Launch Date: 12 January, 2022

    In order to better help our customers sell, we will open image download permission for some customers, users can download real photos without watermark.

    * The user needs to contact the salesperson to activate the permission to download pictures.